
Clark-Eliason Post 352




733 1st Street

P.O. Box 155

Somers Point, New Jersey 08244


This Booster List contains the names of individual citizens from the surrounding _______ communities whose gracious and patriotic spirit support our post with unselfish dedication and financial contributions.

Become a Booster

Participate in worthwhile community projects. For a small tax-deductible donation, we will post your name on our web page volunteer list showing the world that you support and appreciate our veterans and brave men and women serving our country today.

Your donation entitles you to create up to a three-line saying or greeting. Be creative. Your saying could be heartfelt, reflect your pride in our military personnel, love of country, etc. Selectively, we will forward some of them to our active duty servicemen and servicewomen. Show them that you really care, appreciate and love them.

Please email me at alr352troy@yahoo.com for details before mailing donation as booster 

(Send your financial (tax-deductible) contributions to our Post's address listed above. Any amount will be appreciated. (DO NOT SEND CASH) donation request is $25.00

Thank you for your support.

All Rights Reserved